Trail & Bike

To run! And, in the mountains, it is synonymous with freedom!

Before becoming a mom, I started in the world of trail running, not very long, about 10 km. Then I liked this sport and more, in privileged environments – a luxury!, although at that time I suffered enough to keep a steady pace running and had to walk, especially when there was a bit of unevenness. The so-called “flatus” was one of my “nightmares.” When it showed up, I was forced to stop until it left. With pregnancies, I had to give it up, of course. Then, once a mom, I reconsidered doing triathlons, but a serious motorcycle accident changed all my plans. Although I ran a triathlon after the accident to prove to myself that I was capable of it, I became fond of trail again.

Running in the mountains gives a feeling of freedom, of well-being … running through idyllic landscapes, different environments, climbing places that can only be reached on foot, breathing fresh air without pollution … and that silence that remains … Just wonderful! In my case, I train and compete, because I like to suffer, to overcome myself, to know how far I can go … It’s about doing what you like and, each one, at his level.

I encourage you to give it a try. Gas and km!

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