Muscle activation

What is it?

It is a technique based on biomechanics that assesses and corrects muscle imbalances, improving neuromuscular communication and optimizing their function.

Frequently, due to stress, very repetitive jobs, long hours adopting the same position, sports activities, sedentary lifestyle… the body’s joint integrity is compromised due to the lack of muscular control. That is why activation can help you treat any muscle imbalance, be it shoulder, back, knee…

Practical example

Imagine a company with 4 workers who are responsible for replacing parts in some boxes, and there are 2 who take leave and the company does not hire anyone to replace them. The other 2 workers will have to assume their own work and that of the others. If it is only for a few days, they will do it, although they will be more tired, but if the sick leave lasts longer, they will not be able to take on all the work and they will no longer be productive, since they will be exhausted.

This is what happens in our body. Do you think the muscles of the workers doing the extra work are the problem or maybe it’s the ones that are down?

If it is only one muscle, the nervous system (control system) will have resources to distribute the load between different muscles – the body will compensate – but if more than one begins to fail, the nervous system has to regulate these dysfunctions by sharing the load between the remaining muscles, then there will begin to be muscle stiffness due to increased recruitment of these. If the dysfunction is very great, the structure will be unprotected and the nervous system will manifest it with pain, and the injury may occur.

The muscles have receptors that send constant information about their state to the nervous system, having control over them, being able to request them when necessary and with the tension they need.

The problem occurs when this communication is interrupted and this affects joint integrity and muscle control. This is where muscle activation plays a very important role, being able to correct these imbalances helping to improve muscle function.

The first step is to evaluate the Joint Ranges of Movement, comparing both sides of the body to detect imbalances.

The second step is to test the responsiveness of the muscles using very specific force scenarios.

The third step is the palpation of the muscle that has the dysfunction, stimulating the receptors that send information to the nervous system responsible for deciding when and how much it sends the information to our muscles to generate movement.

And finally, a force scenario is generated again to verify that said muscle has improved its function and specific muscle strengthening exercises are created.

Everyone, from children, the elderly, athletes who want to have a better quality of life and improve their muscular performance.

Do you often have contractures, cervical pain, lower back pain, muscle tension? Have you tried different alternatives to solve it, and you still have no results?

Do you often have contractures, cervical pain, lower back pain, muscle tension? Have you tried different alternatives to solve it, and you still have no results?


A forgotten, unknown area… but with a high percentage of the population with problems in it.
Approximately 30% of the population suffers from neck pain caused by some pathology: (hernias, protrusions…)

There are many muscles that are part of the cervical spine and that join the head with the scapulo-thoracic area.

Evaluating and correcting imbalances in that area can improve headaches, dizziness, jaw tension, overload of the scapulo-thoracic area.

Muscle activation through very concrete and specific force scenarios will help us reduce or disappear these ailments.


A very complex set of joints, made up of many bones that form the different joints that give the foot great joint movement. Foot malfunctions make the muscles suffer instability. When that happens, we frequently turn to insoles, which surely are of great help to correct the points of support during the march. Insoles are a great tool on a passive level but we should consider if it would not be better to improve muscular strength and endurance to give the muscles the ability to respond when requested.


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